The Top 3 Things to Keep in Mind When Servicing Your Fleet Vehicle
No matter what you’re using your fleet vehicle for, it’s important that you’re able to keep it properly maintained so that when the time comes for action, you can depend on it. In this respect, engaging in proper maintenance is even more important than with regular vehicles. However, trying to figure out exactly what’s required of you to keep your fleet vehicle in tip-top condition is easier said than done. The Internet is filled with so many resources that it can be hard to even know where to start.
That’s why I’ve decided to go ahead and create a comprehensive list of the three most important things to consider when you’re thinking about servicing your fleet vehicle. I’ve chosen each tip on the back of extensive experience I have working with fleet vehicles, and while it’s not an exhaustive list, it will cover everything you need to know to make sure your journey gets started off on the right foot.
1: Be Proactive, Not Reactive
Too often, people don’t worry about servicing their fleet vehicles until a problem has already arisen. Not only is this a potentially disastrous way to go about solving the issue that could lead to serious consequences if an issue arises at the wrong time, it’s also not very easy on your wallet. If you can change your mindset from being reactive to being proactive, you’ll be making savings in the long run, as well as ensuring that you have the all-important peace of mind with regards to the health of your vehicle.
Preventive maintenance will reduce unscheduled repairs and downtime. The process can involve any number of different elements, but you should make sure that at the very least you’re changing the oil, inspecting and rotating your tires, and carrying out general safety checks on a regular basis.
2: Understand What Each Vehicle Will Be Used For
You’d be amazed at just how vague some people’s ideas about what their fleet vehicles will be used for can be. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to the demands each of your vehicles will need to meet, and by properly speccing each machine in your fleet, you’ll be saving yourself time, money, and stress in the long run.
Take a day or so and devote it to designing a comprehensive plan detailing what each and every vehicle will need to do. Some of the factors to take into consideration include usage frequency, load-bearing capacity, and operating conditions, as well as what the vehicles themselves will actually be carrying. Remember, too, that it’s better to be safe than sorry, so going for a conservative estimation of what your fleet vehicles will be asked to do is always a better idea than leaving some of it up to chance and overestimating each vehicle’s potential.
3: Establish a Relationship With Your Fleet Vehicle Maintenance Provider
The most important tip of the lot has nothing to do with the nitty-gritty details of fleet vehicle servicing, and everything to do with human relationships . If you can establish a long-term relationship with a maintenance provider who you know does good work, you’ll be cutting out a massive headache that many fleet vehicle owners have to deal with. If you opt for a different mechanic every time, you’ll have to contend with a never-ending stream of estimations, approximations, fees, and appraisals.
On the other hand, if you can build up a rapport with your fleet vehicle servicing provider, you’ll already have a base of knowledge to build off of every time you need some more repairs or preventive maintenance done. It’s often overlooked, as business owners focus too much on the actual mechanical processes themselves, but by following this one simple tip you’ll be able to future-proof your operation and ensure that no matter what else happens, your fleet vehicles will always be in the kind of reliably top-notch condition you need them to be.
So there you have it. Of course, there are other things that come into play when you’re considering getting your fleet vehicle serviced, but if you can implement each of the three tips above you’ll notice an immediate increase in the performance of your fleet, both in mechanical and economical terms.
If you’d like to learn more about how fleet vehicle servicing can help your business to perform better and better, feel free to get in touch with me by clicking here . I’d be happy to answer any questions that still aren’t 100% clear to you.