How Much Should A Car Service Cost?
Car services usually depend upon the reconditioning you want and also the mechanic you’re choosing. For instance, one mechanic can charge you around $220 for a minor service on the standard car, while another can charge as low as $120.
Many people consider the price the mechanic is quoting but don’t take the quality of service into account. Please remember that:
- Not all mechanics provide the same quality services
- Not all services are equal
Let us give you an idea as to how much a reasonable service costs.
Car Service Cost To Consider
Not All Services Are Equal
A standard car service a mechanic perform is an oil and filter change. However, the inclusion of minor service additions can drastically affect the price.
If you’re paying a low price to your mechanic, then he will probably perform the bare minimum: oil and filter change. However, a good mechanic who may quote a bit high price will give time to your car and ensure it is in excellent condition. The services a good mechanic can offer include:
Topping up the pressure of the pipes
Topping up all the fluids present under your car’s bonnet (water, washer, coolant, wiper, etc.)
Check parts of your vehicle like wiper, rubbers, horn, brakes, etc., and make sure your car can safely run on the road.
Not All Mechanics Are Equal.
Mechanics and workshops compete on price. Offering a low price than the rest can be their tactic to lure you into getting their subpar services.
Running a workshop can be costly; the prices of rent water, electricity, etc., can go high, and therefore a standard mechanic would charge you around $100 at least.
How can a workshop make money if it offers car services for $90?
The answer to this is straightforward. The workshop will upsell you things your car might not require. At the end of the day, it’s simple economics. You might think that you’re bagging a good bargain, but in reality y you will walk away with a much larger bill.
So, What’s The Reasonable Price?
A good mechanic can charge up to $180 for a standard service of a non-European car. This does not include major big-ticket services.
Servicing your car every once in a while is quite important. This will save your money in the long run because without proper servicing; your money will keep going down the drain every other day with the problems arising in your car.
However, do your car a fabulous and never fall prey to the attractive and cheap prices and find a good mechanic.